What We Do
We are the parents of children at Loughton Manor First School, and it’s our mission to provide fun and memorable events which also raise money to enhance school life and experiences for every pupil. Your little one will benefit directly from any money we raise – be it receiving a Christmas present from Santa, a subsidised school trip, or new books and equipment in school.
We are a bit like a traditional Parent-Teacher Association, although we operate as a charity separate from the school and none of our committee positions are held by teaching staff. We are very proud of our close working relationship with the school and many of our events are supported by volunteer members of staff, and we couldn’t do it without them.
We have an appointed committee for our official roles, and we’re also made up of many parents and other caregivers who take on ad hoc jobs to support our different events – which is ideal if you’re not sure how much time you have to give.
We’d love to hear from anyone who’d like to get involved and help with any of our events – it’s so much fun, and many hands make light work!
Events and Fundraising
We have a full calendar of events throughout the school year, including discos, Break the Rules Days, a Christmas Shop, and our biggest event of the year: our May Fayre.
As well as fundraising, our other main aim is to provide unforgettable experiences to enrich the children’s memories of their time at Loughton Manor. See our events calendar for details of what’s coming up.
Ways You Can Help
We’re all parents and understand that balancing children, work and family life is difficult enough at times. We want everyone to know that helping with any aspect of Friends isn’t a life sentence, nor a requirement to give so many hours a month: it’s very much ad hoc; as and when you can. You might not be able to help at all one month, but have an hour or so to give one afternoon the next.
There are so many things you can do to help, and every single one is so much appreciated. You will also meet some truly lovely people, and have some fun as well!
Here are some of the many ways you can help towards achieving our goal – which is to create fun and memorable events, and to support the school in delivering an outstanding school experience for every single child.
Give Your Time
There is so much you can do to help, even if you can’t commit to more than an hour here and there. Here are some ways parents have helped over the last few years:
- Baking cakes for a cake sale
- Selling on a stall after school
- Organising the end of Year 2 tea towels
- Wrapping some presents for Christmas Shop
- Selling raffle tickets at an event
- Face painting for an hour or two at the May Fayre
- Manual labour such as clearing away tables after an event
Give Your Ideas
Every one of our favourite fundraising events and initiatives for the children started as an idea from someone new. Christmas Shop (now a Loughton Manor institution!) was an idea brought to us by a parent who’d seen it at another school.
You don’t have to be a committee member or someone who has helped at an event. Any and all suggestions are very welcome.
We would LOVE to hear your new ideas for events and experiences for the children, or how to spend the money we raise. Please get in touch with us with an email to friendsofloughtonmanor@gmail.com, or click below for our regular informal meetings.
Help Boost Funds
There are several ways you can help us to raise money, without even leaving the house – just by shopping as normal, or buying things you’ll need anyway!
Did you know that we’re registered with EasyFundraising, and you could help us to raise funds for the school at no extra cost to yourself?
This works for many online businesses – over 4,100 retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Etsy, and notonthehighstreet.co.uk. Shop with them by going via the EasyFundraising website first, and you will raise a FREE donation that will go straight to Friends.
If you’ve not already signed up, it only takes a few minutes, and you can begin using the EasyFundraising website or app straight away. This will be an enormous help to the school, at no extra cost to you! It’s such a simple way to help us raise money. One mum has raised over £400 for us, just by going via EasyFundraising before booking TUI holidays. That’s the same as the proceeds from one of our disco events!
Visit our EasyFundraising page to get started. You can even add a handy little gizmo to your desktop browser to tell you when you’re on a participating website.

Secondhand Uniform
We collect the LMFS logo uniform your child has grown out of, and sell it on to parents for 50p per non-logo item, £1 per logo item.
Whether you’re donating or buying, or could help with the sorting, we’d love to hear from you!
Come to reception any time and ask to be shown the uniform store in the area outside the staffroom.
Use code 35837 on checkout when you buy these fabulous uniform labels, and Friends gets a donation!
Shop at Stikins here: https://www.stikins.co.uk/
A Word
From Our Headteacher
“Friends of Loughton Manor First School is such an important part of our school community. As well as the vital and very welcome funds they raise for the enrichment of our school experience, it’s a fantastic way to meet other parents, and make new friends.
“I joined Friends myself whilst on maternity leave – I had so much fun, and have made some friends for life of my own. I’d highly recommend getting involved to any parent – even if you only have a small amount of time to give, you will be so welcome, and you’ll be helping to make our school the best it can be.”

Our Events for the Year
Halloween Discos
A real highlight of the Autumn term; we love to see our little ones come along for a boogie in their scariest costumes!
Check out our Halloween event gallery from previous years here! Half Term Halloween Fun!
Christmas Cards and Gifts
The children always do a fabulous job creating their own designs for their Christmas cards, and a sample card is created by our fundraising company and sent home with your children! You are then able to order as many cards, tags, gift wrap and other gift items as you like with your child’s design on to send to friends and family.
Christmas Shop
One of the highlights of the year for the children, our Christmas Shop allows them to choose gifts for family members with some help from an adult, and then take it home ready wrapped and labelled, and ready to give as a surprise.
Carols at the Cornerstone
Watch this space!
Krispy Kreme and Uniform Sale
At the end of term we sell Krispy Kreme donuts boxes at a competitive price, and our pre-loved school uniform will be out to have a browse.
Easter Disco
The children love to celebrate the start of spring with our Easter Disco. Dancing, games, snacks, and dressing up make our discos a highlight for the children.
Watch this space!
May Fayre
This usually takes place in the first half of the month – lots of stalls, games, food and fun! This is an event that the community looks forward to every year and is our biggest fundraiser.
Lolly Fridays!
We are looking forward to holding our pop-up lolly treats together every Friday for the last few weeks of term!
What’s the Latest?
Our most recent communications with parents, and what’s coming up
Krispy Kreme donuts and pre-loved uniform sale
This Valentines Day we are selling our popular Krispy Kreme boxes. We have 50 boxes ordered, which include pre-orders and some to be sold individually on the day. We will also have our pre-loved uniform for sale. Items without a logo are just 50p each and those with a...
Halloween Craft Packs made
Years Running
Gifts to Wrap for Christmas Shop
Get In Touch
Loughton Manor First School, Paynes Drive, Loughton, Milton Keynes, MK5 8FA
Email: friendsofloughtonmanor@gmail.com
School Hours: M-F: 8:30am - 3:05pm